Thursday, November 30, 2006

Beware of Danger

Time magazine had an article posted at the CNN website this last week about dangers lurking about waiting to deal that fatal blow. It spoke of things such as bird flu or mad cow that tend to begin panic attacks in so many. It then pointed out that the reality is we face dangers each day that we don't aknowledge nor do we prepare for with such simple strategies as wearing our seat belts, etc... In reality, life is fleeting. Today, as we drove up to Kara, we were reminded of the precarious nature of our lives here. We were traveling and hit a series of Togo's famous potholes at only forty miles an hour that launched one side of the car into the air as we fish-tailed back onto the road with our hearts beating a little faster and us slowing down to thirty for the next few miles. Then as we were making our ascent on the only mountian pass going to Kara and had passed seven disabled 18 wheelers blocking at least one of the lanes at various intervals along the way for this two lane road, the semi in front of us had to stop and lost his breaks at the same time. Those helping him were just able to get a wheel block behind his wheels before he careened backwards into us. After this because of the slow ascent our clutch plate overheated and began to fail us only 2 miles from the top. Well, we survived it all, by His grace and mercy, only to get a glimpse into how vulnerable we really are. This is a good thing. We sure pray more than we used to.

Philippians 4:7 Don't be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition present your requests to God.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Controversy not to be avoided ...

There seems to be a bit of controversy associated with my profile. Some of you out there, have taken particular issue with me referring to myself as middle aged. I must make it known that most of those who expressed yourselves regarding this were older than I, therefore maybe the problem is not with me but ... well that would only lead to more controversy so I'll stop with that. About the middle aged thing, Chris Rice, my son Taylor's favorite musician had a line in one of his songs recently that said, "teach us to count the days, teach us to make the days count. " That is my whole purpose in considering myself middle aged. If God blesses me to live to be 80, then from today, I have exactly 14,710 days until that birthday. That is not very many. I have a lot left to do before I get to bow personally before the King. So, I'm just trying to count those days, and make them count for Christ. About the other controversy. Compared to Tiger Woods who practices golf at least eight hours a day and hits between 1000 and one bazillion balls daily, I am an occasional golfer only getting to hit one or two balls over the course of eighteen holes once or so a week. This comparitively puts me as an occasional golfer at best. Plus, you know me, I'm a real laid back, take it easy, everything in moderation kind of guy. So, there. Check out this great looking occasional golfing family in the picture!!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

A mysterious growth.

It is a mystery to me, the growth of the church. Sometimes it is so subtle and hidden as individuals mature. Then, their faith grows and begins to boil, spilling over into the lives of others. When this happens it seems that the church just explodes and you look around as I did at the women's conference this morning and just wonder, "Where did all these people come from?" Well they came from the likes of Agodeke; the new church in the Kpeve region that I never remember the name of; Afagnan Gbleta; Amengran; and others that have begun in the last year or so. Places that I've never visited, fields that I've never seen, and roads that I've never driven or walked on. How did it get that way? Who planted these crops? I don't even know some of these soul harvesters that have found these newly ripened fields. Yet, isn't that the way its supposed to be?
Now this has launched me onto a path of discovery to investigate this mysterious growth. I am immediately reminded of two verses:
Isa. 55:9 As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
The second was brought to my attention by my favorite and most wise organic chemistry professor at Harding University, Dr. Don England.
Prov. 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Aimer reconciles

Aimer, which ironically means to love in French, has spent most of the last twelve months verbally assaulting our fellow missionary, Hammer Afakule, of Vogan as well as inciting others to revolt against his leadership there. As I went through three months of reconcilliation teachings in Vogan my hope dwindled for a peaceful conclusion to the battle. Initially I longed for everyone to desire peace and to reconcile and I actually believed that many would, that is all except for Aimer. He would weekly bash Hammer and threaten him with legal action even to the point of rejecting him as a fellow believer in Christ. Just last month the elders from several churches descended upon Vogan in hopes of straightening things out. This brought a lot of shame on the church itself because these elders who were now helping them were all from smaller and younger churches. In their humiliation all of those in rebellion began to submit one by one to the wisdom and power of Christ's love, all except for Aimer who's verbal attacks even got stronger. My hope was yet rekindled for resolve, but for Aimer I had lost all hope and just prayed for God's mercy upon him. Just last night I found out that on the previous Sunday Aimer came forward and asked the church to forgive him for his rebellion and for all of the attacks. Hammer came and held him as Aimer confessed his sins and the church rejoiced. Whereas I had lost all hope for Aimer, God had not. Rejoice with us that Aimer can now live up to his name.

Luke 15:7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.

Friday, November 24, 2006

A new name

Among the Watchi the name you receive is usually based on what day you were born. That is, until the fateful day when you first “need” major assistance from the voodoo spirits. On that day your name usually changes to reflect whatever voodoo you have been linked to. This name then becomes who you are in more ways than one. There are, of course, other trappings that go along with the worship, but it is the name that really establishes your identity and reminds you of whom you serve as you are hailed daily by that new moniker. One of my dearest friends I have called Houndzo ever since I met him over six years ago after he began serving Jesus. About two months ago I noticed that those closest to him began calling him by the name Bertin. Upon some investigation I found out that the name “Houndzo” had been his voodoo name and that he was getting rid of that. Bertin had received his new identity in Christ six years earlier and has worked selflessly to plant five other churches in these last years, but had somehow forgotten to change his name. So, all of you out there who have regularly prayed for Houndzo, please stop. Don’t pray for him anymore, pray for Bertin, Houndzo died over six years ago.
Praise God for his grace that renews us daily and the frequent reminders of that renewal.

“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come.” (II Cor. 5:17)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Being away from family and America on holidays such as Thanksgiving has always been a challenge for me. I remember so many gatherings at my grandmother's house with the family. It was always a time of laughter, storytelling, making new memories, and being family. It is easy to take for granted the "family" times. That is, until you are removed by an ocean or two. I have always enjoyed explaining the Thanksgiving holiday to my Watchi family. I usually get several Yowah's, Ya's, and Ehh heh's (these are all verbal expressions of agreement and wonder). They tend to be fascinated with America as it is, but when explaining Thanksgiving, they are moved by the fact that an entire nation would set a side a day for counting its blessings.
Is one day really enough to be able to list all the ways that he has blessed us? Definitely not, but it is a great day to begin a life of thankfulness.

May God give us all really good recollection of the myriad of ways that he has blessed us. May we be able to recount them and give testimony to his love.
I will begin my list here:
Thank you God for Jesus.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Lessons about legbas ...

One of the most stark contasts about being in Togo for us is the presence of all the idols. They are everywhere you go, many times with fresh sacrifices on them. The idols for the most part are well taken care of, not falling prey to too much disrepair. Regularly they have new shelters built to protect them from the elements and will have new ribbons of black, red, or white added in addition to new shells, spikes and or maybe even horns to give it that nice intimidating look. All this, of course, has spiritual signifigance but for the most part it is beyond me except for the stark reality that it is of the enemy and is representative of the forces of evil at work in this land. The overtness of the idols here is very disconcerting. It seems to represent a level of depravity or distance from God that you wouldn't expect any where else, particularly not in the United States. One thing we have learned, though, is that idolatry of the physical, overt kind is much easier to remove than that of the more insidious covert nature such as those of the heart. An idol is defined in Webster's as: a false god, or an object or person woshipped. Worship is then defined as: adoration, homage, or loving devotion. From what we read in Ephesians 5:5, I Peter 4:3, and I John 5:21 we see that anything that leads away from God amounts to idolatry. So, are there idols in America, and if there are, where are they? What are the things in our lives that lead us away from God? What are the idols that we need to rid our hearts of?
Mark 12:30 Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, and with all your strength.

Monday, November 20, 2006


No, this is not a typo. I did say AlDonald's. It's where we go. It is the single arch and the closest thing to fast food we have in the capital city of Lome, Togo. You can get a burger there, but their speciality is the chwarma. This my friends is the delicacy of delacacies. It is nothing but pure wonderful garlic flavored sliced beef wrapped up with the best of toppings in a fresh pita. The golden arch"es" don't have anything on this. No biggee sizing here, though and your coke is served in the bottle. This last year they put in soft serve ice cream and A/C and we celebrated for a month. There are some naysayers out there that don't like the red flashing light above the one golden arch nor do they have the taste for chwarmas, but that just leaves more for us. There are those of you who are wondering, "Where's the BEEF in all of this?" Well, the reality is, that even AlDonald's begins to look good and seem rather normal after almost ten years. I rejoice in an AlDonald's happy meal and even miss it a bit while we are on furlough, because the bottom line is if I've got a chwarma in my hand then it means I'm where I'm supposed to be doing what I'm supposed to do. As my friend, Jim Woodruff, reminded me on furlough a few years ago, "Marty, there's no better place to be than the one God wants you in, doing what he wants you to do." After so many years, I can say that Romans 12:2 is true. God's will for me is good, pleasing, and perfect.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sunday in Adankonou Kope

We had the most amazing feast today in the Atitogon cluster. Freshly smoked fish in a tomato, oil, and hot pepper sauce along with rice, black-eyed peas, roasted casava, boiled corn on the cob, topped off with fresh pineapple and oranges. Today was their annual celebration meal remembering the day when they turned from their idols and decided to follow Jesus. It was incredible hearing all of the testimonies of what God is doing in their lives right now. To consider the changes they have gone through since their repentance is almost beyond belief. It is more than overwhelming as we remember the hopelessness and the fear that they were redeemed from, especially as we observe them now filled with such joy, peace, love, and by his grace hope. My own hope for my sons to love Jesus and serve him was partially realized today as I watched and listened to my oldest son, Tucker, in the local Eve language, talk to our brothers and sisters gathered there about a celebratory feast begun by Jesus. Louise and I couldn't hold back the tears as we listened to him share and encourage. Our Adankonou family couldn't hold back the applause in their joy at his words. It was a really good feast. I wish you could have been there.

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Okay, I'll just put it out there. I feel really inadequate right now. How in the world can I expect to be the father, even just a decent one, to four boys? It doesn't make sense that God would be willing to entrust four young men to my guidance. To those of you who are tempted to dash in and encourage me at this moment, hold off for a minute or two. For those of you who are laughing because you heard that my father in a moment of aggravation wished upon me the blessing of six sons, as he put it, just like me, you need to just take a deep breath. For that matter, what in the world was God thinking when he sent me to Africa to be a missionary. I know that several of you wonder that also. Inadequate, weak, incabable are all descriptors that hit us at one time or another, sometimes all at once. A friend of mine pointed out to me several years ago that he thought Samson was probably a pretty whimpy looking dude who we would want to name Poindexter and try to give him a wedgie. That's probably why the Philistines messed with him so much. He said that God would have done this to show that the strength wasn't from the man, but the Spirit in the man. I'm encouraged already for the seemingly unstoppable, fearless, and"super" apostle Paul had moments of considering himself inadequate and weak as well (I Corinthians 2:3). Yet, he found that God's power is made perfect in his weakness, for in that weakness we lean not on ourselves but on God, therefore becoming adequately strong and capable. (II Corinthians 12:8,9) So here I am, delighting in my weaknesses, knowing that Christ's power is sufficient to bless these four sons as well as use me to bring light into the darkness of Togo. On a sad note, my wife just brought me to the realization that I exceeded my ten minutes to muse twenty minutes ago.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Felicien's bicycle

We have sought to plant churches and train leaders that would mature to a point where they ask, "What can we do for others?" not "What can others do for us?". The Tabligbo church has rarely shown itself to be mature in this way, especially when considering the smaller, much younger churches of the "bush" surrounding them. Typically the others have grown more quickly, studied more diligently, and served more willingly - I guess I would consider them of the "Berean" nature from Acts 17 and Tabligbo would be more like the Thessalonians. Anyway, Tabligbo is changing. I have observed this in snatches over the last year. This last week their maturation showed itself openly. They helped purchase a bicycle for Felicien. I know to you its just a bicycle, but its value computed out to the average per capita for Togolese is around $8000. The signifigance of this gift though goes deeper than the physical sacrifice. Jealousy is such a huge issue here. Often, it is jealousy that drives non-believers to seek the deaths of their neighbors through sacrificing to the voodoo spirits. Yet, at the purchase of this new bicycle so that Felicien would be able to more frequently help the church in Topeglo, the church rejoiced instead of murmuring. How excited we are for Felicien to now have transportation out to the village, but also for the church in Tabligbo that was willing to give.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Zadok and comfortable benches

As I went to my teaching on Tuesday, I arrived earlier than the rest, affording me the opportunity to arrange the benches for our three hour session together. Even though these are the flat, wooden, no back variety as I was arranging them I found myself considering the comfort rating of each bench as I carefully chose upon which one I would perch myself for the next several hours. The irony of this is that none of them are comfortable for that long whether they be wide or narrow, high or low after three hours of it the intermittent pain and tingling and eventually numbness set in. It struck me that so often we are all looking for the comfortable bench upon which we can sit. I guess this is the antithesis of what the descendents of Zadok did. I came across them today in Ezekiel 44. I had not taken much notice of him prior to this. Yet, today that short passage where God tells Ezekiel that it is only Zadok's descendents who will serve because they were faithful when everyone else fell away into the "comfort" of comformity struck a deep cord with me. They rose to the occasion instead of looking for a "comfy" bench. Consider today Zadok and his descendants. May it be said of us as well that we rose to the occasion of faithfulness in the way of Zadok's progeny.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Relief for Afii

We all struggle. The struggle of some seems out of proportion, though. Consider Afii. She is a new believer in Jesus and the mother of two. She lives in a remote village called Topeglo. She got a slight infection in her foot two years ago, that just wouldn't go away. After treatments with medicines, those they could afford, she then sought spiritual help (prior to her belief in Jesus). She spent the equivalent of all the treatments she would have needed to cure her Madura foot (the name of the infection) on various sacrifices and ceremonies, but to no avail. In the midst of her struggle she met Jesus. Isn't that the way it is. Madura foot and all, she was united with Him. Yet, she continued to suffer for a year afterward from this illness. Three weeks ago she was blessed with relief. She had her leg amputated mid thigh. Her suffering was relieved. She was overjoyed and has not stopped testifying daily to God's grace in bringing her relief. Reality check for the rest of us as we "struggle" and complain. By the way, due to her testimony, attendance at her church has tripled since her return. Once more, God has used something to his glory that the enemy had designed for destruction. (Rom. 8:28)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

It really wasn't that odd ...

to be riding in a broken down taxi van with sixteen people crammed into seating for eight. That strikes me as funny. We catapulted along at a speedy 30 miles per hour stopping every six miles or so to retie the back hatch which was holding my back rest in place and keeping me from flipping out of the back of the van. I guess the oddity of it to me is that it wasn't strange, nor was I irritated with the fact that the trip normally only takes fifty-five minutes (when I drive myself) and on this day it was taking over three hours. My how we change and adapt to different circumstances and surroundings. When considering this, I find it difficult to fit Togo into my logical construct. It seems no longer foreign to me, yet, isn't it supposed to be? It seems now to be an extension of my "known" world, as if it was a new state remotely conjoined to the good 'ol US of A (like, perhaps Hawaii or something). My what an interesting journey God has taken us upon. I wonder if Abraham ever found himself saying that to Sarah? I wouldn't trade it for anything, though. To see Him changing lives and freeing the enslaved daily and getting to play even a small part in it is more than I could have imagined.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Just getting started.

I really wanted an insightful "first posting" for my blog but I used up my available ten minutes getting it set up. My how time flies.