We have sought to plant churches and train leaders that would mature to a point where they ask, "What can we do for others?" not "What can others do for us?". The Tabligbo church has rarely shown itself to be mature in this way, especially when considering the smaller, much younger churches of the "bush" surrounding them. Typically the others have grown more quickly, studied more diligently, and served more willingly - I guess I would consider them of the "Berean" nature from Acts 17 and Tabligbo would be more like the Thessalonians. Anyway, Tabligbo is changing. I have observed this in snatches over the last year. This last week their maturation showed itself openly. They helped purchase a bicycle for Felicien. I know to you its just a bicycle, but its value computed out to the average per capita for Togolese is around $8000. The signifigance of this gift though goes deeper than the physical sacrifice. Jealousy is such a huge issue here. Often, it is jealousy that drives non-believers to seek the deaths of their neighbors through sacrificing to the voodoo spirits. Yet, at the purchase of this new bicycle so that Felicien would be able to more frequently help the church in Topeglo, the church rejoiced instead of murmuring. How excited we are for Felicien to now have transportation out to the village, but also for the church in Tabligbo that was willing to give.
Thanks for sharing the picture as well, Marty. It is fun to see familiar faces and to feel updated on the lives of those I love there (both you guys and the Togolese).
I have to agree with the previous posters and say that to describe yourself as middle-aged is a little ridiculous. :)
Thanks, Sandi, its nice to be more connected. As for the middle age thing, I've been considering it and I think I'm going to keep it. I really do hope that this is about the middle of it. I'd really rather not stick around much longer than 80 if I don't have to:)
Yo Marty, here is my 3 second musing..... no way you can do 10 minutes. Anyway, look forward to your trip to the states this summer, plan on hitting a lot of golf balls! Its going to be crazy with Maegans graduation and all. See you then.......J
Marty, I am more than halfway to 80 and not nearly done yet. You are not middle aged. This is a great way to keep up with ya'll. I pray that you have many victories in your work and keep up the good work. Can't wait to play golf with you this summer. I love you man.
Please tell the Tabligbo church how proud I am of them.
This is a great blog!
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