Aimer, which ironically means to love in French, has spent most of the last twelve months verbally assaulting our fellow missionary, Hammer Afakule, of Vogan as well as inciting others to revolt against his leadership there. As I went through three months of reconcilliation teachings in Vogan my hope dwindled for a peaceful conclusion to the battle. Initially I longed for everyone to desire peace and to reconcile and I actually believed that many would, that is all except for Aimer. He would weekly bash Hammer and threaten him with legal action even to the point of rejecting him as a fellow believer in Christ. Just last month the elders from several churches descended upon Vogan in hopes of straightening things out. This brought a lot of shame on the church itself because these elders who were now helping them were all from smaller and younger churches. In their humiliation all of those in rebellion began to submit one by one to the wisdom and power of Christ's love, all except for Aimer who's verbal attacks even got stronger. My hope was yet rekindled for resolve, but for Aimer I had lost all hope and just prayed for God's mercy upon him. Just last night I found out that on the previous Sunday Aimer came forward and asked the church to forgive him for his rebellion and for all of the attacks. Hammer came and held him as Aimer confessed his sins and the church rejoiced. Whereas I had lost all hope for Aimer, God had not. Rejoice with us that Aimer can now live up to his name.
Luke 15:7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
praise God!
thanks for taking the time to write, Marty.
I praise God with you, Marty! Hammer and Dela have so been on my heart since I heard of all the troubles in Vogan. Thank you so much for these glimpses into God's work there. It does my heart good!! Please greet Hammer and Dela for me the next time you see them, if you think of it.
The power of God, the power of His love, the power of the fellowship of the community of Spirit-filled believers, the power of preaching, the power of PRAYER--praise God! When we have given up on hearing the sound of the rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents, it makes the sound sweeter to our "ears of faith" when the rejoicing breaks out! --Clyde S.
I rejoice for Aimer!
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