No, this is not a typo. I did say AlDonald's. It's where we go. It is the single arch and the closest thing to fast food we have in the capital city of Lome, Togo. You can get a burger there, but their speciality is the chwarma. This my friends is the delicacy of delacacies. It is nothing but pure wonderful garlic flavored sliced beef wrapped up with the best of toppings in a fresh pita. The golden arch"es" don't have anything on this. No biggee sizing here, though and your coke is served in the bottle. This last year they put in soft serve ice cream and A/C and we celebrated for a month. There are some naysayers out there that don't like the red flashing light above the one golden arch nor do they have the taste for chwarmas, but that just leaves more for us. There are those of you who are wondering, "Where's the BEEF in all of this?" Well, the reality is, that even AlDonald's begins to look good and seem rather normal after almost ten years. I rejoice in an AlDonald's happy meal and even miss it a bit while we are on furlough, because the bottom line is if I've got a chwarma in my hand then it means I'm where I'm supposed to be doing what I'm supposed to do. As my friend, Jim Woodruff, reminded me on furlough a few years ago, "Marty, there's no better place to be than the one God wants you in, doing what he wants you to do." After so many years, I can say that Romans 12:2 is true. God's will for me is good, pleasing, and perfect.
Thanks for the reminder's to appreciate the every day things, or maybe once a month things, or however much you get to go to AlDonald's.
Today I'm going to Chili's in Searcy. That's right, there's a Chili's in Searcy now!!! I'll quote you in saying "There are those of you who are wondering, "Where's the BEEF in all of this?" Well the 2nd most favorite thing to do in Searcy is eat(2nd behind crusing Race St.). And this is one of the first Major Dine-in Chain restaurants in Searcy! You may understand my excitement.
At 3pm I'm headed back to VA with my Wife:) for Thanksgiving. We're going to Grandma's house(Lurty and Mary Lou) for Turkey Day. I hope I've scattered your mind with images from home!
We love and miss you guys!! Can't wait to be with you in Rwanda someday:)
Marty, I don't want you to mislead all of the unsepecting Americans out there about AlDonalds! It's not good. The heat and humidity of Tabligbo have gone to your head. Just remember that I still love you!!!
Tracey, I never thought that my blog about AlDonald's would be my first one of controversy. You've made my day with your less than educated opinion. Bless you and I still love you too, although don't even think I'll share my chwarma with you.
Thanks Thomas, we are looking forward to being with you and Sara as well.
Bless you two and eat a stuffed jalapeno for me at Chili's.
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