There seems to be a bit of controversy associated with my profile. Some of you out there, have taken particular issue with me referring to myself as middle aged. I must make it known that most of those who expressed yourselves regarding this were older than I, therefore maybe the problem is not with me but ... well that would only lead to more controversy so I'll stop with that. About the middle aged thing, Chris Rice, my son Taylor's favorite musician had a line in one of his songs recently that said, "teach us to count the days, teach us to make the days count. " That is my whole purpose in considering myself middle aged. If God blesses me to live to be 80, then from today, I have exactly 14,710 days until that birthday. That is not very many. I have a lot left to do before I get to bow personally before the King. So, I'm just trying to count those days, and make them count for Christ. About the other controversy. Compared to Tiger Woods who practices golf at least eight hours a day and hits between 1000 and one bazillion balls daily, I am an occasional golfer only getting to hit one or two balls over the course of eighteen holes once or so a week. This comparitively puts me as an occasional golfer at best. Plus, you know me, I'm a real laid back, take it easy, everything in moderation kind of guy. So, there. Check out this great looking occasional golfing family in the picture!!
occurring or appearing at irregular or infrequent intervals; occurring now and then.
I love the description of your golfing frequency as "once or so" a week -- how much variation does "or so" allow?
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