Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Being away from family and America on holidays such as Thanksgiving has always been a challenge for me. I remember so many gatherings at my grandmother's house with the family. It was always a time of laughter, storytelling, making new memories, and being family. It is easy to take for granted the "family" times. That is, until you are removed by an ocean or two. I have always enjoyed explaining the Thanksgiving holiday to my Watchi family. I usually get several Yowah's, Ya's, and Ehh heh's (these are all verbal expressions of agreement and wonder). They tend to be fascinated with America as it is, but when explaining Thanksgiving, they are moved by the fact that an entire nation would set a side a day for counting its blessings.
Is one day really enough to be able to list all the ways that he has blessed us? Definitely not, but it is a great day to begin a life of thankfulness.

May God give us all really good recollection of the myriad of ways that he has blessed us. May we be able to recount them and give testimony to his love.
I will begin my list here:
Thank you God for Jesus.

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